Part 4 : Send Alarm
The best way to alert someone is to phone it and let him a record. But i search an easy way to do it, finally i decided to send a sms and a mail. Most of the time, where i am not at home, i am at work and i can read my mails, or i keep a mobile phone on me.Send mail
We need to install SSMTP : sudo apt-get install ssmtp
next we have to create a piece of code to in ptyhon to send mail using this lib :
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
def Send(Destinataire,Msg):
s =smtplib.SMTP('')
s.sendmail('',Destinataire ,Msg)
Send SMS
The code can change according your phone operator. In my case i use french operator "Free Mobile". This operator offer a free web service to send a sms to myself, very useful for home automation .The code below :
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import urllib,urllib2
def SendSMS(Message):
#remplace les espaces du message par des %20
Message=Message.replace(' ','%20')
# URL du formulaire
url = ''
#Champ et valeur du formulaire
params = urllib.urlencode({'user': 'XXXXXXX','pass':'XXXXXXXX'})
#Message espace remplace par des %20
#params =params + '&msg=Alarme%20Intrusion'
params =params + '&msg=' + Message
#Envoi de la requête
req = urllib2.Request(url+'?'+ params)
Nice, now we made the sensors communication, Daemon service to start alarm and the way to send message. It remains two tasks :
- the database to remeber the alarm state,
- web site.
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